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Why Don't People Go to the Dentist? How To Fill Your Appointment Schedule

People avoid going to the dentist for a variety of reasons. Here are some common reasons and how to address them so you can keep your appointment full.

Dental Intelligence


August 25, 2023

Going to the dentist can feel overwhelming for a lot of people, especially new patients. Even so, regular dentist appointments are important to maintain oral health. Despite knowing this, some patients continue to avoid dental practices.

So, why don't people go to the dentist?

Don’t worry — it isn’t personal. By knowing the most common reasons patients don't go to the dentist, you can implement tools and solutions to address these reasons to keep your schedule full.

Five Reasons People Avoid the Dentist

While fear is a common motivator for not visiting the dentist, it isn’t the only one. These are the top five reasons people avoid visiting the dentist — and what you can do to overcome them and get patients in for their appointments.

1. Safety Concerns

Since COVID-19, the number of people going to the dentist has steadily declined. Some people stopped going regularly, and others stopped going at all.

At the height of the pandemic, patients didn’t want to risk contracting COVID-19 for a teeth-cleaning. Even now that the pandemic is waning, some people are already in the routine of not going. Others continue to feel worried about the safety of it.

The best way to combat this issue is to make sure your dental practice is clean — and that people know it’s clean. Make safety protocols public and encourage patients to ask questions if they have any concerns. 

2. Dental Anxiety

Many people have a misconception that dentist offices are scary places. They associate dentists with pain and anxiety. This may come from a negative experience from the past or just a fear that something bad will happen. Patients with autism or anxiety disorders are more likely to experience this fear.

This dental anxiety builds over time. After all, the longer patients avoid the dentist, the worse their oral health will be. Ignorance is bliss — patients may avoid the dentist altogether, so they don’t have to hear about the condition of their oral health. 

You can remedy dental anxiety by creating a welcoming environment at your practice. Make sure patients feel safe in your space and be ready to answer any questions they have. They may require reassurance throughout their visit.

Ensuring a positive experience at your practice can set patients up for a lifetime of better oral health. 

3. Patient Insecurity

Some patients haven’t been to a dentist in a long time. After so many years, it's likely that their oral health isn’t at its peak. This might cause patients to feel insecure about cavities or gum disease. While you and your staff know that you’re only there to help, patients anticipate judgment from you. 

To reassure them, be open about struggles with your own oral health, your willingness to help, and that your office is a judgment-free zone.

4. Cost

The next answer to "why don't people go to the dentist?" is simple: cost. According to the American Dental Association, 59% of people cite cost as the number one reason they avoid going to the dentist.1 Dental treatment can be expensive for those who don’t have dental insurance.

By simplifying dental treatment plans and payment options with Dental Intelligence, you can address one pain point that causes people to avoid their cleanings and checkups. Advertise any financial assistance your practice provides, as it could encourage more people to come to the dentist. Explain that by taking care of their oral health, patients save money in the long run.

5. Time

Everyone has busy lives. On a long list of to-dos, going to the dentist may not be a patient's priority. It can interfere with their work lives or interrupt their time off. 

It’s understandable that people may find having to go to the dentist inconvenient, but for the sake of their oral health, encourage regular visits.

You can send automated appointment reminders to patients you may not have seen in a while to encourage them to come back. You might also consider offering weekend or morning appointments.

Defying Dentophobia with Digital Tools for Dental Practices

Why don't people go to the dentist? You now know the most common reasons — and that creating a safe, welcoming environment at your dental practice is the best way to help anxious dental patients or patients who are otherwise hesitant to come in. 

If you’re looking for more ways to transform your dental practice with the best software in the industry, schedule a demo today with Dental Intelligence.



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