
Simplify Scheduling Existing Patients


Online scheduling isn't just for booking more new patients — it makes scheduling easier and more convenient for existing patients, leading to better hygiene reappointment and case acceptance and a better patient experience.

What You'll Learn

By the end of the webinar, you'll be able to do the following:

  • Give your existing patients greater accessibility to online scheduling
  • Use Online Scheduling to automate returning hygiene patients
  • Use Online Scheduling for restorative care

We've thrown in a handful of tips, tricks, and best practices too, so you can hit the ground running like a pro!

Don't forget your CE credit!

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Features Included

Online Scheduling

Dental Intelligence boasts the only online scheduling software your practice will ever need. The idea is simple: if it's easy to schedule an appointment, more patients will schedule appointments. Our Online Scheduling lets your patients schedule fully booked appointments directly into your practice management system anytime, and from anywhere.
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Suggested Trainings

Practice Smarter.™

Not using one of the modules or features mentioned here? Meet with our product experts to see a demo and learn how you can get more out of your Dental Intelligence software with all our tools working together.

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